The UK’s Best CMMS Software

ONE software platform to handle ALL maintenance and compliance for ALL asset types.

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A full asset management system for easy maintenance and compliance.

Collabit’s Solution allows you to easily keep a record of all assets on one or multiple sites, store the method and frequency of maintenance based on the manufacturer's guidelines and keep a complete record of the work performed.

Trusted by well-known brands

Tailored solution

Manage any number of sites, properties and assets.

Collabit’s software can manage any number of sites, properties and assets. Each location has a screen to manage any information needed. Including a complete register of locations at that site (buildings, floors, rooms and areas) and Assets.

The asset register allows you to store any type of asset you wish. This could be anything from a significant piece of equipment down to a light bulb.

The cmms software has a powerful form designer that gives our clients the ability to create jobs in whatever design they wish. This will give a guide of what work needs to be carried out and what information is then recorded on the assets.

Best CMMS Software
Maintenance and Compliance

Choose what frequency you need

Use the job categories that have been created (or use the collabit library of forms) to set schedules or one off jobs on the assets within each site. The CMMS software will allow you to choose what frequency you need to carry out jobs upon the assets. After a job is completed on a site, the system will store all of the information taken against each asset. It will also produce job sheets to detail what happened on each job down to whatever level of detail is required.


Asset and location management

Collabit CMMS software creates an asset register for every single site you carry out jobs on. This shows all the locations (floors, rooms etc) on a site as well as what assets are located in them.

Asset and location management
The UK’s Best CMMS Software
Plan your work and work your plan

Resource Planning

Use Collabit Computerized Maintenance Management System CMMS to plan all the jobs due either from schedules created from closed sales opportunities or remedial works discovered within jobs.

  • Plan jobs in a calendar view or a map planner view;
  • Filter jobs to plan based on tags, engineers skills, jobs types etc;
  • Automatically groups all jobs that are due over the planning period into site locations to be completed in one visit;
  • Uses Google Drivetime and time taken to complete works to plan the perfect work day for an engineer;
  • Report on jobs that are overdue, planned, completed and invoiced.
Job Planning

Easy planning of jobs and totally mobile

Once you have a set of schedules for a site, jobs can be planned onto a mobile device to be completed by onsite users. You can auto assign these jobs straight to an onsite workers mobile device or plan the jobs to each engineer on the calendar. There are dashboards to show you the total number of jobs that are due to be planned each month and how many have been unplanned, planned or completed.

Best CMMS Software
Best CMMS Software
Contractor Dashboard and Portal

Set up agreements and work orders for the contractors

Collabit cloud based cmms software Platform has a full contractor management system within it. This will allow you to set up agreements and work orders for the contractors. Set the tasks and assets that you are assigning to the contractor. The system will then track these contractor jobs with a due and expiry date. You will be able to use a dashboard to show when these jobs are ready to be planned. Suggest dates/times to the contractors who then agree or suggest other times. Once agreed you can see all jobs on a calendar. The contractors are given a portal to log in online and manage the jobs they have been assigned. They can use the portal to say they have completed the jobs and load in their own worksheets. You can then confirm they have covered all assets that were assigned to that job and make a new job if a revisit is required. Can track if a contractor job has been fully completed before their invoices are paid.

Staff/Tenants logging tickets

Create issue tickets

Collabit cloud-based CMMS software has a ticketing system that allows your staff or partners to log in and create issue tickets. These tickets can then be managed in a dashboard allowing your team to communicate with the ticket creator and generate jobs from them. This is useful for people to report issues with assets and for you to understand more about these issues before you send somebody to fix the issues.

Best CMMS Software
Keep your assets in optimal condition for longer lifespan

SFG20 and OEM Guidelines

Collabit cmms software solutions can create job sheets from rule sets such as SFG20 or recommended manufacturer guidelines. This information is used to set the questions that are answered on jobs, guide times and frequency of schedules. If a piece of equipment is still under warranty the system will track this expiry date and can also be used to prove that issues lie in the hands of the manufacturer.

Complete the work of any job, anywhere at any time

Onsite works and reports

Once a job is created on the system and planned then the mobile workforce can locate the job and complete all works from the Collabit app (available on Android and Apple stores).

  • Mobile app works offline. No need to worry about working in basements or being in remote areas with no signal;
  • Reports are generated automatically based on the information collected in the field;
  • Other data can be collected too - you can design the forms however you wish and choose which sections are for internal use or which ones go on the customer report;
  • RAMS and H&S questions built into the system. Once you design a form you can also choose the RAMS document and H&S questions that have to be completed before the job can start;
  • Produces professional reports automatically - even complex ones like Risk assessments. These reports can still be edited after the job is completed before they are emailed to the customer from the system and added to the customer portal.
Onsite works and reports

More Features In This Solution

Resource Planning

Use Collabit emaint cmms software to plan all the jobs that are due either from schedules created from closed sales opportunities or from remedial works that have been discovered within jobs.

Contract tracking and renewals

Contracts are a handy place that stores all of your agreements with customers so you can find all the information you need quickly and easily, plus they don’t need any data entry or admin time spent on them.

Onsite works and reports

Once a job is created on the system and planned then the mobile workforce can locate the job and complete all works from the Collabit app (available on Android and Apple stores).

Asset and location management

Collabit creates an asset register for every single site you carry out jobs on. This shows all the locations (floors, rooms etc) on a site as well as what assets are located in them.

Manage customer queries and issues

Collabit includes a full helpdesk system, making it easy to provide high levels of customer service.

Finding the information you need when you need it

Keeping all of your company data in one system gives you huge benefits as well as being the ‘go-to’ place to find anything you need with no fuss.

Employee Skills, training and Certification tracking

Manage your employee's skills and certifications as well as any training requirements with the employee dashboard.

Non-Conformance Management

Automatically ensure that all compliance issues have been logged and all customers are informed of what is recommended to resolve them.
Dashboards and Management Reports

Dashboards and Management Reports

Managing your entire business has never been easier than when using the dashboards and reports in Collabit.

Form Designer

A powerful form designer is built into the platform that can be used after minimal training that can be used to make job forms with endless possibilities.

Equipment tracking

Store and manage all of your company-wide inventory with Collabit Inventory manager.


  • What is CMMS software used for?

    A computerised maintenance management system, or a CMMS software is used for organizing maintenance information, performing maintenance activities and utilizing materials, equipment and other assets.

  • Is SAP a CMMS system?

    SAP is an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software used to manage business processes, facilitate effective data processing and ensure information flow across an organization.

  • Which of the following CMMS is most popular?

    Collabit is a popular CMMS platform that can be used to handle all maintenance and compliance for all asset types. It’s a full asset management system to easily keep a record of all assets on multiple sites, store the method and frequency of maintenance and monitor the work performed.

  • What is the example of CMMS?

    Collabit is considered the UK’s best CMMS software using unique technologies to adapt to different niches quickly. Collabit CMMS software allows 100% organization- from managing a custom number of sites and properties to scheduling the frequency of maintenance and planning your resources and assets.

  • Who Uses a CMMS solution?

    CMMS solutions are used by almost all industries- manufacturing, construction, transportation, oil production, gas production etc. CMMS software is essential for organization, efficient maintenance operations and optimization of physical infrastructure and equipment.

  • How Do I Find the Best CMMS Software?

    There are different CMMS software types, depending on your goals and maintenance needs. Collabit CMMS is a software platform allowing you to manage maintenance and compliance for all asset types. The software is entirely customisable to achieve maximum productivity and efficiency.

  • What is the best CMMS software?

    Collabit is the best CMMS software to handle all maintenance and compliance for all asset types. It’s a tailored solution to manage a custom number of sites or properties, set schedules for more efficient maintenance, plan resources and manage assets to optimize time and many other features.

  • For which sectors is CMMS software suitable?

    CMMS software is essential for almost every industry- manufacturing and production, maintenance, transportation and logistics, construction, healthcare, hotels and restaurants, retail etc… Collabit is an all-in-one CMMS platform that can be customised to achieve maximum productivity when managing maintenance and compliance for all asset types.

Are you ready to improve your company’s workflow?

Tailored software will get you to the next level
of business experience

Chris Barnes, Director of Collabit.