How long does it take you to plan out all the jobs that you’ve agreed to do for your customers? Does it come with a tedious set of tasks to organise and supervise?
We know a thing or two about that and we know, how to make it better, so you may want to keep on reading!
A lot of our customers, when they first started using Collabit software, have come over from using multiple spreadsheets or disparate software systems to try and solve their issues. Sounds like a lot of work, right? It is, because planning out a job schedule is unfortunately quite a tough problem to solve with spreadsheets or multiple systems.
First, you must start with the sale making system. Next, when the customer agrees to your services, you must follow all the planned service visits that needs to be done. From there you go on to track what’s been invoiced and you also must make sure that you plan for who’s doing the work. Once you have done that and the workers go and fulfil their tasks, you are still required to monitor any remedial works uncovered, which obviously needs to be scheduled too.
We can imagine how your head is spinning just from thinking about that process, but there is hope and we call it Collabit Software. Our software has all of what you need in just one platform.

How does it work? Collabit software creates a contract with every site that you agreed to do work on, with a start and an end date.
Then the system puts down in the schedule each different job type that needs to be done. It can be, for example, collection of medical waste, environmental waste, hazardous chemicals or skip collection – whatever it is, you need. You will find there in the system the job frequency as well, which could be a one-off collection or an agreed set of collections each year.
Our software will use the start and the end date to produce the number of jobs that need to be done, to fulfil that contract. Then you will be able to see on the planner when all those jobs are due. This allows you to choose a planning window of a month or a year, or however long you need, because you can see all the jobs and put them on the planner, based on their due dates.
These schedules (that can be prepared manually), are created primarily by accepted quotes. You would send someone a quote on the sales CRM. When they accept it, then based on what you quoted, these schedules will be created automatically with the starting and end dates.
As you can see, Collabit is really cutting down a lot of the tedious admin time. Our software will plan your workflow for you, so you can focus on the work and continue to grow your business efficiently!