An all-in-one system for water hygiene and treatment specialist companies.
Companies in the water hygiene and treatment industry have some core processes that are often handled with separate systems and teams.
Sales, Job planning, Field technicians and Invoicing are all areas that rely on each other but don’t seamlessly interact. This makes running the company more expensive with heavy admin processes in passing information from team to team.
Collabit links all of these functions together in one platform.
How does Collabit help our customers to make planning their jobs easier?
When a customer accepts a sales quote, the job schedules are automatically generated by the Collabit system and are ready to plan. (Operations teams don’t need to try and find the information about what jobs are needed and then create all of these jobs, and sales don’t need to waste time telling operations what they have sold)
The essential advantage of using Collabit is that it makes the role of the job planner much more accessible. With Collabit, the job planner can easily schedule and dispatch field service technicians, track their progress, and allocate resources in real time. This helps reduce the job planner’s workload, as they no longer rely on manual processes such as phone calls, paper-based systems, and massive spreadsheets!
Collabit also provides job planners with the tools and insights to make informed decisions and optimise their field service operations. Overall, Collabit helps to streamline the job planning process, making it easier and more efficient for businesses.
In addition to the benefits mentioned above, Collabit also helps to eliminate the need for paper in field service operations. Jobs can be sent directly to the mobile app of field service technicians, who can then complete the job and capture information about assets now from their mobile devices. This helps to reduce the risk of errors and improve efficiency, as technicians no longer have to rely on paper-based systems.

Using Collabit, businesses can also track the status of assets and identify any issues that need to be addressed. With the ability to capture detailed support information, companies can see if any problems need to be fixed and take remedial actions as required.
These issues identified in the field can then be pushed back to the sales team to generate remedial quotes to win further business.
Invoicing is automated based on jobs completed or based on the contracted payment terms. Invoices are issued from within Collabit and then can be synced as sent items in accounts packages such as Xero or Sage.
If you would like to find out if Collabit can make your operation more efficient and see the system we provide to over 40 companies, please book a consultation with us. We would be happy to see if Collabit is a good fit for your business.