
Advancing Operations with Automation: Collabit’s Advanced Customer Portal

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Date: 6 August 2024

Chris Barnes


In today’s competitive business landscape, staying ahead requires not just keeping up with technology but leveraging it to enhance operational efficiency and client satisfaction. Collabit’s portals offer robust solutions for managing your business processes, but when considering the customer portal versus the advanced portal, the latter stands out as a transformative tool. Here’s why embracing the advanced portal is a game-changer for any company.

“The ‘golden egg’ for facilities management is the attainment of predictive instead of reactive maintenance to reduce downtime of assets and aid efficient labour management, amongst other benefits… Acting on the knowledge gathered and analysed through IoT can help encourage a reduction in operational and maintenance costs, lower energy use leading to lower greenhouse emissions, promote building user well-being and stimulate demand for further IoT technological advancements.”

Institute of Workplace and Facilities Management (formerly, The British Institute of Facilities Management)

Comprehensive Oversight with Advanced Dashboards

While the customer portal efficiently handles job scheduling and reporting, the advanced portal introduces comprehensive dashboards that provide a bird’s-eye view of your operations. These dashboards summarise key metrics across all sites and individual locations, including the number of jobs due each month and the status of non-conformance issues. Such oversight not only simplifies management but enhances decision-making, giving you the insights needed to address issues proactively and streamline workflows.

Proactive Issue Resolution with Automated Systems

One of the standout features of the advanced portal is its integration with remote sensors, allowing for the automatic collection and analysis of data. This integration is not just about gathering information; it’s about using this data to automatically trigger non-conformances, ensuring issues are identified and addressed without delay. By automating these processes, the advanced portal minimises the risk of human error and enhances the efficiency of your compliance monitoring.

“The FM sector already embraces a range of automated technologies and processes as a means of improving business productivity and adding value in areas such as condition-based monitoring, resource utilisation and predictive maintenance. Whilst the services sector lags behind manufacturing in the widespread adoption of automation, digitisation is driving change and having an increasing impact across different services disciplines.”

Institute of Workplace and Facilities Management (formerly, The British Institute of Facilities Management)

Enhanced Job Management Capabilities

The advanced portal goes beyond viewing and reporting on jobs. It empowers users to issue jobs directly through the portal, whether scheduling regular tasks or initiating one-off jobs that are then completed via the Collabit app. This feature facilitates a seamless flow of task management from the top down, ensuring that all job details are communicated clearly and promptly, thereby increasing operational responsiveness and reducing downtime.

“Errors can be expensive—they cost businesses over $64 million every year—but automating processes greatly reduces the risk of human error in your processes because a bot performs tasks the same way every time as programmed. Additionally, since data is automatically ported, there is no chance of typos or other attention span-based mistakes.”

– Impact Networking LLC

Scalable Efficiency

Collabit’s approach to scalable solutions aligns with the broader industry trend of leveraging automation and technology to drive operational efficiency. In the context of facilities management, advanced portals like Collabit’s empower organisations to manage complex operations through streamlined, centralised platforms. This shift to automated, data-driven decision-making not only improves internal processes but also supports long-term goals such as sustainability and cost reduction. This flexibility allows businesses to optimise resource management and improve strategic outcomes without added financial strain.

“The adoption of advanced automated systems in facilities management not only enhances operational efficiencies but also supports broader strategic objectives such as sustainability and cost management, especially pertinent in the context of the UK’s current economic conditions​”

– CBRE Commercial Real Estate Services

While the customer portal offers solid capabilities for managing schedules, reports, and non-conformances, the advanced portal builds on this foundation with enhanced functionalities that promote greater control, automation, and scalability. By integrating comprehensive dashboards, automated issue resolution, and expanded job management features, the advanced portal not only increases operational efficiency but also enhances the overall quality of service delivered to your clients.

Choosing the advanced portal isn’t just about upgrading your software; it’s about empowering your business to meet the demands of a dynamic marketplace and exceed client expectations. For businesses aiming not only to survive but thrive, the advanced portal by Collabit is not just an option—it’s an essential tool in your strategic arsenal.

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