Data Privacy and Account Deletion

At Collabit Software Ltd, we are proud to stand as the UK’s leading CMMS and Field Service Management Software provider, offering unmatched efficiency and productivity to businesses across a range of sectors. Fundamental to our mission is our steadfast commitment to the privacy and security of our users’ data.

Our Commitment to Your Data Privacy

Your trust forms the cornerstone of our service. We are devoted to protecting your personal information, strictly adhering to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) alongside other global data protection laws. At Collabit, your privacy and data security are of utmost importance.

Requesting Account Deletion

If you decide to stop using our service, we have ensured that the account deletion process is simple and respects your rights. To request the deletion of your account, please:

  1. Complete the account deletion request form located at the bottom of this page.
  2. Our team will verify your identity to protect your data against unauthorised access and confirm your deletion request.

What Happens After Your Request?

Upon receiving your request for deletion, we will:

Your Control Over Data

Collabit equips you with extensive features designed for optimal data management:

For further details on how these features grant you control over your data, please visit our Features Page.

Further Enquiries

We take your privacy concerns seriously. For any questions regarding data privacy, the account deletion process, or how we protect your data, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.

    I confirm that I am requesting the deletion of my account.

    I confirm that I am requesting the the deletion of my personal data.

    I understand that this action cannot be undone.